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Visiting a Porn Site Can Result in Infection

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I've not update this blog for many times..
If you are internet addict, beware of porn site. There are at serious risk of being exploited by cyber criminals if you surf the porn site.

It found that many sites harboured malware or used "shady" practices to squeeze money out of their visitors.

By creating their own porn sites researchers found that many consumers were vulnerable to known bugs and loopholes.

Competition among porn sites makes the online adult industry ripe for abuse by hi-tech criminals.

"They have almost inadvertently created a whole ecosystem that's easy to abuse for cyber crime on a large scale," said Dr Gilbert Wondracek, a computer security expert from the International Secure System Lab, which led the study.

BBC News

For those who addict to porn sites, let's go of this habit. Make sure update our computer security system to prevent cyber criminals.


1 Response to "Visiting a Porn Site Can Result in Infection"

Online Software said... 1:14 PM

Yes.. you are are right visiting a porn site always harm your computer....
Thank you for the post...


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