The link popularity of a site can be increased by having more links towards the site. The best and most reasonable method of increasing the link popularity of a site is by
starting a link exchange campaign with other sites with similar themes.
It must always be kept in mind that if the page linking to the site is relevant, then it gains the site more link popularity. It is always advisable to link with sites with PageRanks above 3, in order to increase the link popularity if your site effectively. Link popularity can be increased tremendously by purchasing banner ads and text links on other sites. While doing so, one must make sure that a tracking code is not used, since in such a case the link popularity of a site will not be benefited.
Positive link popularity can be made only when the link is anchored to the domain of the site. Inclusion of keywords in the anchor text of text links is a major
rank-determining factor of sites, and helps increase link popularity considerably. A website owner can keep up with the progress and be aware of the link popularity of his site by using 'link popularity check tool' that is available online.
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