Switch to megavideo for my blog after this..
I hope veoh crew will explained about this matter..
We all Malaysian is satisfy with your services..
Why you blocked us ?? We want to know,.. It is true they're racist??
Oh not only Malaysia there's more country was blocked by veoh.com
Blocked list:
- Malaysia
- Chile
- Dominican Republic
- Brazil
- Argentina
- Jamaica
- Costa Rica
- Venezuela
- Guatemala
- Puerto Rico
One of the answer from Veoh crew..
Re: Veoh blocked certain countries?
Hello Everyone,
Unfortunately Veoh has ended service in your countries due to a low concentration of users. Veoh is maintaining service in countries when we have the highest concentration of viewers.
We apologize for any inconvenience and thank you for using Veoh.
I dont believe about this..Based on Alexa.com .. Veoh is on 58 top 100 sites in Malaysia..
More popular than metacafe.com , CIMBclicks or jiwang.org.
More news :-
Forum Veoh
If today the website in rank 86 ( until 31 May 2008).. How about next month?? Wait and see..
Update alexa Ranking ( July,05) :- 102
Huh,,, I think veoh not effect much from blocked our country.. Good luck veoh..
Seems kind of short sighted. Is it really true? Who will you replace them with?
I live in El Salvador, I don't know how do they expect a high concentration of viewers if I live in such a small country...